Fake Slumber Party

July 6, 2012

For Zoe’s birthday, she decided she wanted a slumber party.  I decided that having a handful of 4 and 5 year old little girls on their first sleepover was not my cup of tea.  So, as a compromise, we decided on a “pajama party” – Zoe invited 5 of her friends to come over in their pajamas to eat pizza, watch a movie, make a craft, and have some good ol’ fashioned girlie fun.  In other words, all the festivities without the sleeping part! 

While the girls were waiting for the pizza to cook, they made their craft/party favor.  We wrote each girl’s name in tape and then let them paint over it.  DSC_0063_edited-1

I found the idea on Pinterest and converted it from an art canvas to a pillow case.


Once the paint dried, we removed the tape – leaving their names in white with a colorful mosaic around it!  Here are their crafts right before we removed the tape:


We then had birthday cake.  Zoe blew out all of the candles in one try…



< Cake time! >



< For some reason, I feel like this picture is a look into the future – it reminds me of pictures that I have of bridal & baby showers.  I can’t believe these cuties are 5! >


< Zoe with 2 of her favorite presents – a “practice” American Girl doll (from Target) (she pretends it’s a “for real” one) and a stuffed Pegasus. >


< All snuggled up and ready to watch Peter Pan. >



< Aaaand….we’re out.  The girls did pretty good lasting about an hour watching the movie. >

One of the girls spent the night (a 1st for both girls).  After a rocky start and a few tears from both, they settled down around 11 pm and slept in to a big ol’ whopping 7 am. Smile


< The next morning at breakfast – cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs, and fruit. >

Thanks to all the awesome girls who made Zoe’s birthday a complete success!

The Spring Dance recital is always a big deal, partly because of the costumes.  It was so cute; the teachers called all the parents in, and each dancer was given her costume.  Then there was the trying on, the professional pictures, and a low-key dress rehearsal.


<Zoe’s class.  She’s the farthest to the right. >


< Zoe’s first look at her costume.  I see pink!! >


< Zoe is SUPER excited about her costume being pink – her favorite color. >


< Trying on of the costume. >


< Zoe’s friend, Ainsley, models their recital costume. >


<The playgroup gang.  From L to R: Emi, Kyrie, Zoe, Maisie, and Liza >


<The playgroup gang, part 2.  From L to R: Emi, Zoe, Maisie, Liza, Brooks, and Kyrie>